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Delicate cream: a panacea for the well-being of the horse's skin

Crema delicata: un toccasana per il benessere cutaneo del cavallo

The use of harnesses, saddles, blankets and spurs can cause a number of skin problems in horses, such as sores and swellings. In addition, insect bites and parasites often cause further redness and irritation of the skin.

Nature at your service

iAiAOH! has also thought of this and developed a 100% natural product based on Zinc Oxide that helps horses of all ages to regain the well-being of their skin and has a positive effect on the regeneration of skin and hair. Active ingredients have been used throughout that are also ideal for keeping insects and parasites away and preventing annoying bites.

Active ingredients

  • Zinc oxide: ideal because it can protect, soothe and heal. It enables the formation of a protective film on the horse's skin while allowing perfect perspiration;
  • Almond oil: rich and nourishing, it is essential for its softening, nourishing and soothing properties for the skin;
  • Calendula extract: ideal for healing skin lesions, stimulates their healing activity and elasticity and counteracts the burning and itching typical of this skin condition.

Remember that it is also indicated for use in the ano-genital area and as a last resort after intimate hygiene of the animal. The application can be repeated twice a day, concentrating on the affected areas and calming the horse during the application. Often the areas treated with Delicate Cream are areas where the horse is uncomfortable, so take extra care!

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