Aloe vera, a succulent plant native to North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, has long been prized for its medicinal properties. Its gelatinous extract, rich in vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds, offers a wealth of benefits to promote and maintain healthy skin for our small and large four-legged friends.
For centuries, this plant has been valued for its exceptionally beneficial properties and has been used since ancient Egypt for embalming preparations (hence the name "plant of immortality"), for body care and hygiene or as a remedy. It's also mentioned several times in the Bible as an aromatic plant or for the preparation of ointments before burial.
Thanks to its antioxidant and regenerative properties, aloe vera helps to maintain a healthy and vital body. It stimulates the immune system, fights free radicals and promotes general well-being. It can eliminate cellular waste, destroy toxins, restructure, regenerate and revitalize the bone marrow.